Recycling Foam Packaging

What is Foam Packaging? 

Foam packaging is a recyclable material that is accepted in the SK Recycles program at SARCAN depots and not in your recycling cart program. This material is lightweight and often supplied as protection for contents it’s packaged with. It is often referred to as expanded polystyrene or the brand name “Styrofoam”.  

Foam packaging is often seen in the following forms: 

    • Packaging for household electronics and appliances 

    • Food packaging  

    • Egg cartons 

    • Trays for meat, seafood or vegetables 

Foam Packaging: SARCAN Depots Only 

Foam packaging is accepted for recycling at all SARCAN depots and should not be placed in your recycling cart recycling as it breaks and crumbles easily during the collection process. The broken foam pieces are difficult to separate from other recyclables and as a result, the mixture of materials renders contaminated recycling streams “unrecyclable”, meaning that neither the foam nor the other contaminated materials can be recycled properly. 

What’s Accepted? 

The items below are the types of foam packaging that are accepted and can only be recycled at a SARCAN depot

Examples of Foam Packaging

Foam egg cartons and trays 

Foam food containers and trays 

A white styrofoam box Description automatically generated

Foam cushion packaging (firm)


The items listed below are types of foam packaging that are not accepted, and should be disposed of in your garbage:  

A piece of black material on a wood surface Description automatically generated


Polyeurethane (sponge-like feel) 

Protective and squishy cushion packaging 

Other Types of Foam

Like our recycling practices, foam packaging has also evolved over time. Newer materials that were traditionally foam have changed in chemical composition, meaning they are no longer manufactured as foam, or are created using a different type of chemical foam that is not accepted in the SK Recycles program. 

Here are some examples of types of foam that are in use in material packaging today, but are not accepted in the SK Recycles program due to incompatibilities with current recycling processes: 

Packing Peanuts 

Packing peanuts are often misconstrued as foam, but are commonly made from cornstarch, and are therefore not accepted. 

Foam Noodles, Pillows, etc. 

Foam noodles, pillows, mattresses, or other furniture are products and made from a different material than is accepted. 

Foam Insulation 

Foam insulation is a product like “Styrofoam”, and the chemicals applied to it are hazardous for workers and incompatible with the recycling process. 

Key Points to Remember: 

    • Recycle firm foam packaging only and only at SARCAN depots 

    • Remove tape, labels and anything that isn’t foam 

    • Sort into coloured and white