SK Recycles tracks greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with the program’s collection and recycling of household packaging and paper.

Our Collector Services Agreements require collectors and service providers to share annual operations data related to GHG emissions. Data for the previous calendar year is due at the end of January. For 2024, all reporting data may be submitted any time from now until the deadline of January 31, 2025.

Submitting Your GHG Report

All GHG data must be submitted through the secure WeRecycle Portal. Click here to access the Portal. Service providers are strongly encouraged to confirm their Portal login to ensure the reporting process goes smoothly.

The resources below are available to assist with Portal access and GHG contact information for your organization:

GHG Reporting Webinars

Please see below for files from the 2023 GHG reporting webinar:

Support and Resources

We have resources available to assist you with compiling and reporting your GHG data:

  • GHG Reporting – searchable online knowledge base provides access to all GHG reporting topics

Contact Us

Please reach out to our GHG Team for help with reporting or contact management:

Phone: 1-855-886-4558 (option 4)