SK Recycles provides incentives to local governments, First Nations, private companies and non-profits to collect residential packaging and paper under contract with SK Recycles.

Local governments providing residential packaging and paper or garbage curbside collection in November 2012 were initially offered a collection incentive to provide collection in May 2014. SK Recycles also offered a collection incentive to local governments and qualified private companies and non-profit organizations to provide collection of packaging and paper from multi-family buildings and to operate depots.

SK Recycles’s Packaging and Paper Product Extended Producer Responsibility Plan aims to create greater access to residential packaging and paper recycling throughout BC. SK Recycles continues to look for opportunities to expand its collection network to better service BC residents.

All collectors are required to meet SK Recycles’s Collector Qualification Standards.

Sample Collection Contracts

The following are sample contracts that are customized for each local government, private company and non- profit organizations contracted under the SK Recycles program. They are provided for information only.

Collection where the curbside collection service is provided by a local government accepting the curbside collection incentive

Expansion of SK Recycles’s Collection System

Each year during development of its operations budget for the following year, SK Recycles will assess the performance of the packaging and paper collection system in relation to the recovery target and accessibility performance objectives set out in the Stewardship Plan. Based on this assessment, SK Recycles may seek to add collectors to the SK Recycles collection system as required to deliver the recovery target and accessibility performance objectives. Assessment of expansion of SK Recycles’s collection system would include, without limitation, taking into consideration:

Collectors that have expressed an interest in joining SK Recycles’s collection system and that are able to:

  • Deliver collection services in areas identified as having insufficient collection service to meet accessibility performance objectives;
  • Contribute to SK Recycles achieving its recovery target; and
  • Contribute to the efficiency and effectiveness of SK Recycles’s collection system;
  • The ability to modify post-collection service provider agreements to add new collectors and more tonnes of packaging and paper; and
  • The timeline to execute agreements with collectors prior to finalizing SK Recycles’s operating budget for the following program year.

Organizations that are interested in joining SK Recycles’s collection network should contact:

Toll Free: 1-855-875-3596