Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment Approves Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Program for Household Packaging and Paper

Saskatchewan has ushered in a new era of household packaging and paper recycling with the approval of Multi-Material Stewardship Western’s Household Packaging and Paper Stewardship Program Plan (Program Plan). This approval initiates a shift towards a full Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) model, where producers will assume operational and financial responsibility for managing household packaging and paper throughout its lifecycle, from collection to recycling. This shift will start December 1, 2024.

With approval of the Program Plan, producers such as retailers, manufacturers, and restaurants supplying packaging and paper to residents assume operational and financial responsibility for managing household packaging and paper, from collection to recycling. Multi-Material Stewardship Western (MMSW) is the producer responsibility organization in Saskatchewan for delivery of the Program Plan on behalf of producers, ensuring producers are fulfilling their obligations under the new regulations.

MMSW will partner with various entities including local governments, private collection contractors, material recovery facilities, transporters, and First Nations and Métis communities for the collection and recycling of household packaging and paper.

The approval of this program comes after months of consultations and the submission of a draft Program Plan to the Ministry of Environment on September 26, 2023. These engagements underscore the collaborative effort towards achieving efficient and sustainable packaging and paper recycling in Saskatchewan.

To facilitate a smooth transition, MMSW is actively engaging with community partners and has established a dedicated working group for Phase 1 of the transition, with plans for a Phase 2 working group in the near future.

The new EPR program will lead to a coordinated province-wide recycling system, an expanded and consistent list of accepted materials, better access to recycling for more communities and households, operational efficiencies, and a harmonized approach to recycling in Saskatchewan contributing to better recycling outcomes and a more sustainable future.

To learn more about the program and its implications, visit Stay tuned for more updates as we work towards a more sustainable future for packaging and paper stewardship in Saskatchewan.